Season 1
Dec 22, 2021
Ep 59: Navigating the Holidays and Winter with the Seasonal Blues as a Plant Based Runner
Do you struggle this time of year with seasonal blues and feeling overwhelmed with the holidays? The last holiday season and this season has definitely looked different that it used to look since Covid-19.
Here are some tips to hopefully make this year easier.
Listen or watch below!
Dec 8, 2021
Ep 57: Reflecting on the Past, Planning for the Future, But Staying Present
As we near the end of the year, how do we stay present while reflecting on the past and planning for the future?
Being stuck in the past may cause depression and thinking of the future may lead to anxiety, but we can and should reflect on the past to plan for the future.
Learn how here! Listen or watch below!
Nov 20, 2021
PP E12: How to Have a Plant Based Runner's Mindset
Do you struggle with your relationship to food? Do you struggle with fueling your body because you have a diet mindset?
In this episode, I give you 5 tips to have a runner’s fueling mindset. I talk about healing your relationship with food, progress > perfection, setting small actionable goals, positive body image exercises, and adopting the mindset that food is fuel.
Nov 17, 2021
Ep 54: How to Prevent GI Issues as a Plant Based Runner
Have you experienced GI issues during a run or race before?
Most of you reading this will probably say yes! So I did a podcast episode on this topic to give you tips to prevent GI issues ie. cramping in gut or urgency to go number 2.
Watch or listen below! Enjoy!
Nov 10, 2021
Ep 53: How to Have More Energy and Prevent Bonking
Do you struggle with energy or have ever experienced bonking during a race/endurance event or long run?
If so, you are not alone. When I polled my audience, most of them said they wanted more energy and to prevent bonking.
If that is you too, you will want to listen to this episode! I give you 5 fueling tips to help you have more energy and prevent bonking...
Oct 20, 2021
Ep 51: How to Deal with Disappointment After a Race
Have you ever felt crushed or really disappointed after a race that didn't go as planned?
I've been there too! And I know it sucks in this moment.
To help you manage the disappointment and help you move forward, I give you 5 tips in this episode. I also discuss what you can do to prevent this from happening again..
Oct 13, 2021
Ep 50: What to Do After Running a Marathon
Did you just run a marathon and now you're thinking...what now?
Do I rest? How long? Do I get right back to training? Can I focus on weight loss now?
If you have these questions then this episode is for you! I give you 4 clear steps you should take right now to maximize recover and get back to what you love sooner !
Listen or watch below!
Oct 6, 2021
Ep 49: How to Fuel When Traveling For Your Race
Are you traveling out of town for your race?
When you travel out of town, it may cause some anxiety in making sure you pack everything and where do you eat? How do you make sure you eat and hydrate properly when are you not home?
If you have these questions then this episode is for you! Listen or watch below!
Aug 11, 2021
PP E43: How to Fuel, Train, and Think like an Olympian
Have you ever wondered how Olympians do it? How do they become great athletes? How do they fuel? How do they train? How do they think?
Well in this episode, I did some research and share with you 5 tips on how Olympians think, train, and fuel! Check it out and let me know what you think! Listen, watch, or read below!